【GPLUS Short Video】
Hot & Cold Blender 

In this collaboration, the client aimed to create a social media video tailored for the short-form content landscape. Using eye-catching, technique-driven visuals, the video vividly showcases the core features of the GPLUS hot and cold blender. It adopts a “This should be difficult, right?” perspective, using a before-and-after comparison to highlight how the product simplifies cooking, emphasizing its convenience and high performance.

在本次合作中客戶希望製作一支符合短影音環境的社群影片,透過吸睛的技術流手法,鮮明呈現 GPLUS 冷熱調理機的核心特色。影片以「這應該很難吧?」的視角切入,透過前後對比,展現產品如何讓料理變得輕鬆簡單,強調其便利性與高效能。 

To enhance the video’s sense of immersion, a first-person perspective was used to clearly showcase the brand’s core design—the ten-blade system—highlighting its superior value among competing products. During filming, smooth rotational camera movements were incorporated to add depth to the scenes where ingredients are added, avoiding repetitive actions and allowing viewers to intuitively grasp the blender’s versatility. Additionally, a low-angle first-person shot was used to capture ingredients being tossed toward the camera, adding a dynamic and visually striking effect that further enhances the immersive viewing experience.

為了增強影片的臨場感,畫面採用第一視角,清楚呈現品牌核心設計——十葉刀刃,突顯其在同級產品中的高 CP 值。拍攝過程中,運用流暢的旋轉運鏡手法,使食材加入的畫面更具層次感,避免動作重複,讓觀眾能夠直覺地感受到調理機的靈活應用。此外,透過仰角第一視角拍攝,讓食材灑向鏡頭,增添畫面的生動感與視覺衝擊,進一步提升觀看體驗的沈浸感。


Production:緯沃媒體VV media



Drector of photographer:潘錦嵩


Art Director:潘錦嵩、Joss

Editing | Color Grading | Visual Effects | Music:潘錦嵩

Project Manager:Joss